Unlocking New Revenue Streams:
Leveraging Subscription in Premium Mobile Games

Think premium games and in-game subscriptions don't mix? In the current mobile gaming landscape, it's a union that promises to unlock new revenue and boost player satisfaction. And the best part? It's easier than you think. Join us as we explore how integrating subscriptions into your premium mobile game can elevate both your bottom line and player experience, all with minimal effort on your part.

Why Consider Subscriptions?

As the mobile gaming landscape continues to evolve, developers are seeking new ways to monetize their games while providing value to players. Recent changes in advertising platforms, such as Apple's App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework and Google's privacy updates, have prompted a shift in focus. One strategy that continues to gain traction is the subscription model.

Reflecting on Revenue Cats’ State of Subscription Apps 2024 report, Ariel Michaeli, Co-Founder & CEO at Appfigures shared:

"More games will turn to subscriptions as their main revenue channel(…) Consumers will spend more but will be more critical of what they’re spending on, requiring developers to refine and optimize how they present their subscriptions."

Incorporating subscriptions into your premium mobile game offers several advantages. Firstly, subscriptions provide a steady stream of revenue, offering predictability and stability for developers. This steady income can help support ongoing development efforts and provide a reliable source of income. Introducing subscriptions in premium games removes the barrier of upfront costs and addresses challenges related to initial perceived value, inviting more players to experience the game with minimal initial commitment. This approach not only enhances discoverability but also ensures a smoother gameplay experience without intrusive monetization mechanics.

By becoming part of a network of games, players are enticed to subscribe, unlocking access to a diverse range of high-quality content. This shift encourages more players to transition from casual engagement to committed support, nurturing a stronger sense of community and loyalty.

In summary, embracing subscriptions not only provides financial stability but also offers an opportunity to refine monetization strategies and deepen connections with players. By incorporating subscriptions into your game, you can effectively increase the number of paying customers and cultivate a flourishing gaming ecosystem.

Implementation Methods

There are two effective ways to implement subscriptions in premium mobile games:

Free-to-Download with Subscription Requirement (F2DL)

In this model, the game is offered as a free download on app stores, but to access the full game experience, players must subscribe. Here's how it works:

Initial Access: Players can download the game for free and explore basic features or a limited portion of the game.

Subscription Requirement: To unlock the full game experience, including advanced levels and exclusive content, players are required to subscribe to a paid plan. The tailored subscription model developed for Conduct This! with Unleashd is a great example of a beneficial necessity. It offers players an engaging way to access enhanced features and content.

Subscription Benefits: Subscribers gain access to all aspects of the game, including regular updates and additional perks.

Cancellation and Renewal: Players have the flexibility to cancel their subscription at any time, but they lose access to premium features once the subscription expires.

Free-to-Download with Paywall Unlock or Subscription Option

In this model, the game is fully playable up to a certain point, but players have the option to unlock the full game either through a one-time payment or a subscription. Here's how it's implemented:

Initial Access: Players can download and play the game for free, accessing a significant portion of the content or features.

Paywall or Subscription Prompt: At a certain point in the game, players encounter a paywall where they can choose to make a one-time payment to unlock the full game permanently or subscribe for ongoing access. This payment model is demonstrated in the unique indie adventure game Inside from Playdead, the developers of Limbo. Players can attain complete access to the game by passing through the paywall.

Unlocking Options: Players have the flexibility to choose between a one-time payment or a subscription based on their preferences. This is exemplified by the award-winning survival city building simulation game, The Bonfire 2, which has effectively diversified its monetization strategy by offering a customized subscription through Unleashd.

Renewal and Cancellation: Similar to the F2DL model, players can cancel their subscription at any time, but they lose access to premium features once the subscription expires.

Integrate with Ease and Expert Support

Implementing subscriptions into your premium mobile game doesn't have to be complex. With our free cross-publisher subscription tool, Unleashd, you can seamlessly integrate subscriptions into your games and unlock an additional revenue stream.

Our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way, from designing a subscription plan tailored to your game to providing ongoing support and optimization to ensure maximum success.

If you're curious about how subscription could boost revenue for your premium game, schedule a meeting with one of our subscription experts here.

Introducing our subscription tool, Unleashd.

Unleashd, is free to use and offers a one-stop solution. Its seamless implementation streamlines your journey to improved retention and increased revenue.
Keen to explore how Unleashd can bring value to your game? Chat with one of our experts!

Schedule a chat with us to gain insights on how our subscription can help.